What’s Inspiring Denisse Ariana Pérez?What’s Inspiring Denisse Ariana Pérez?

What’s Inspiring Denisse Ariana Pérez?

Denisse shares everything sparking her creativity — from transcendent music to the piece of gear she’s fallen in love with.

Sitting Down With

Denisse Ariana Pérez

Whether a song, a place or even a fellow artist, inspiration can be found everywhere and take any shape. In volume 1 of What’s Inspiring Us, photographer Denisse Ariana Pérez shares everything fuelling her creative process lately.

1. A project
I think the work that the magazine Atmos is doing is so inspiring. The way they blend culture, environmental impact and captivating storytelling is not only beautiful, but it is able to really speak to people, even those who might not be so well-versed in environmental matters.
2. An artist
Andre Wagner. His work is a constant inspiration for me. The way he captures human beings is so raw and full of emotion.
3. A podcast
“The Comb.” This podcast talks about stories from the African continent from a young, nuanced, contemporary perspective. These are stories that usually would never make it into Western mainstream media.
4. A tool
I’m pretty in love with the Urth Arkose backpack. It is not only attractive to look at, but it is so smartly designed. I really like its many compartments, the recycled material, and the way it supports and falls on my slightly dilapidated back.
5. A place
I recently was traveling through the Greek island of Paros and it moved me a lot. Its people, nature, the food, the water, the scattered houses, the breathing space between these houses. There is simply a very special energy there not only to photograph but to feel.
6. A song/playlist/album
“Where Would You Be” by Yaw. I could listen to this song the whole day on repeat. It has soul, visceral melodics, it takes you on a transcendental journey for 4:14 minutes.
7. A product
Everything by the brand Rowse. It is a female-led, plant-based, beauty brand and my skin is very happy with what its oils have done to it.
8. An article
This article by The Atlantic shifts social paradigms and centres around the value of friendships. To me, my friendships are some of my most valued treasures.
9. A movie or TV show
“I May Destroy You,” the writing, the acting, the cultural references, everything about this show is genius. To be able to speak about sexual harassment and still do it with moments of humor, vulnerability, and nuance is groundbreaking and refreshing. It is probably the best show I have watched in the last decade.
10. A book
All About Love by Bell Hooks. The book is a revolutionary and illuminating book on how to look at love from a social, personal, feminist and political perspective. It has massively impacted the way I look at love and human relationships.