Tami Aftab On How She Evolves as an Artist Tami Aftab On How She Evolves as an Artist

Tami Aftab On How She Evolves as an Artist

Tami Aftabs recent photobook, The Rice is on the Hob is an ode to the cultural food we grow up with and the father-daughter bond.

Collaborating on a hybrid photobook/cookbook was a long-held and now realised dream for Tami and Tony Aftab. Launching in November, The Rice is On the Hob is a sentimental ode to the cultural comfort of the food we grow up with and the universal ritual we all hold in common: gathering with loved ones over a meal.

Five years ago, photographer Tami Aftab began her first collaboration with her father and chef Tony Aftab; a photography project addressing his experience living with short-term memory loss. In the same year, Tony and Tami began another project doing kitchen takeovers to share Pakistani recipes from their family kitchen with people "other than family.”
“My favourite thing about photography is its ability to connect you to people.”
“This book is the perfect way to celebrate both of our journeys, with my photos intertwined next to Dad's recipes,” Tami shares. “I decided that it would sit somewhere between a photobook and a cookbook, something that didn't conform to traditional rules of either. For example, the recipes in the book aren't paired with images of the food, but instead with handwritten memories my Dad has of that dish from his childhood.”
On what gives the project longevity, Tami points to her embrace of its natural evolution. “The project is growing and changing and we are growing and changing as people also — so there are constantly new inspirations and ideas. I hope we'll continue to make work together for many more years to come, or for as long as it keeps us inspired. Each time we make new work together it feels more collaborative than the last, as Dad's confidence grows in discussing and sharing his illness,” Tami shares.
“My favourite thing about photography is its ability to connect you to people. Whether that's personal projects where I connect with my Dad throughout the collaborative process, or commercial projects where I connect with models and creative teams whilst making work together. It's an amazing tool for communication with strangers.
You can find Tami’s photobook The Rice is on the Hob here or follow her journey here.